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Setting up WebRTC AndroidVOIP

These are the steps I took to setup my development environment for WebRTC Android Native development.


Clone the depot_tools into your home directory.

git clone

Then add to your .bashrc

export PATH=/path/to/depot_tools:$PATH

Getting WebRTC

Create a directory to store the webrtc source code (or just clone into your home directory like me). This cloned directory will be referred to as src in a lot of WebRTC documentation.

fetch --nohooks webrtc_android

then sync with gclient (I have no clue what this does)

gclient sync

now cd into the newly created directory

cd src

Start Developing

Every time you start a terminal session, run this in src

. build/android/

This will give you access to adb which is needed to run android.


To build the project, run

gn gen out/Default --args='target_os="android" target_cpu="x64"'

ninja -C out/Default androidvoip

This will take more than a few minutes, and the newly created files will be in out/Default.


Currently, Android Studio doesn't work, but we can still take advantage of Android Studio's Virtual Device Manager to emulate a android device.

The default emulation device will not work, citing a APK version discrepency. This can be resolved by editing one of the adb flags, but the app will crash due to an older version of apk even if this error is ignored.

To resolve this, create a new device of any size, and for the system image, go under "recommended" and select "Tiramisu" which has API 33, ABI x86_64, and Android 13.0 (Google Play). Install and launch this device.

Then run to deploy the app.

adb install -r out/Default/apks/androidvoip.apk

The app will not automatically run, instead swipe up on the home screen to find the "androidvoip" app and click to run.


To setup clangd, we can make use of compile_commands.json. In src run

gn gen out/Default --export-compile-commands

Then add as a compile command in whatever editor you use


and you should be good to go.